In this section:
The ACT Firearms Registry is responsible for ensuring compliance with ACT firearms legislation as well as the ACT prohibited weapons and articles legislation.
The ACT Firearms Registry provides the following services:
- advice on the relevant firearms, prohibited weapons and articles legislation
- advice on the eligibility requirements to obtain a firearm licence, firearm permit or prohibited weapon/article permit
- the issuing of firearms licences, firearms permits and prohibited weapon/article permits
- advice on purchasing or the disposal of firearms
- advice on the storage of firearms
Under the Firearms Act 1996, police have the power to conduct on-the-spot inspections for firearms and firearm licences as well as conduct storage inspections either by consent or without consent of the licence holder.
To obtain a firearms licence or permit, the applicant must complete the relevant form and submit it to the ACT Firearms Registry.
Click on the link below to view the relevant firearms and prohibited weapon/articles legislation.
- ACT Firearms Act 1996 - New section 263A in effect from 6 January 2014
- ACT Firearms Regulations 2008
- ACT Prohibited Weapons Act 1996
Location and opening times
An appointment is required for a new Firearms Licence or to re-new your Licence.
Please make an appointment by contacting 5126 9076 or emailing
Please note when undertaking a licence renewal, it is treated as new licence and supporting evidence for a genuine reasons to hold a licence must be supplied with the application. If your genuine reason to hold a Firearms licence is permission from a land owner, please ensure you have a completed land owner’s permission form with your application.
Please ensure all paperwork is completed prior to attending the Firearms Registry as you may be turned away if the application is not completed correctly and with supporting paperwork.
An appointment is not required to submit a Permit to Acquire (PTA) a Firearm, however, please note if an appointment has been scheduled for a licence, they will be given priority and you may have to wait and Firearms Registry staff will endeavour to process your application as quickly as possible.
For any urgent matters, please contact the Firearms Registry via phone or email.
Ph: (02) 5126 9076
ACT Firearms Registry
86 Vicars Street,
Mitchell ACT
8am - 1pm and 2pm - 3pm weekdays (closed the last Friday of each month and on Public Holidays)
Postal address:
ACT Firearms Registry
GPO BOX 401,
Canberra City 2601