Conducting research with ACT Policing
ACT Policing is committed to engaging in research partnerships with external organisations, industry and academia. ACT Policing supports quality research where the findings will contribute to an evidence-based policing approach that supports the delivery of ACT Policing’s Policing Arrangement, Purchase Agreement, Ministerial Direction and the Chief Police Officer’s statement of intent.
Before you submit a research request
Your research request will be evaluated on the extent to which it will:
Align to ACT Policing’s government directions, including:
- ACT Policing’s Policing Arrangement
- Purchase Agreement
- Ministerial Direction
- Chief Police Officer’s statement of intent
- Enhance community policing-related practices and/or policies
- Support improvements in the way we do business
- Represent a good use of ACT Policing time and resources
- Be methodologically sound
- Be supported by the area(s) of ACT Policing impacted by the research
All researchers involved with the research project must comply with the following national standards:
- National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Submitting a research request
To enquire about conducting research with ACT Policing, please complete our research request form.
What happens next?
The ACT Policing Research & Evaluation team will review your request and discuss engagement opportunities with you.