Notice of Reporting Obligations (NORO)

Registrable Offenders have Reporting Obligations as set out in the Crimes (Child Sex Offenders) Act 2005 (the Act). Failure to comply with these obligations is a criminal offence.

The information below provides a summary of Reporting Obligations contained within the Act. Registerable Offender are advised to seek legal advice if they do not understand their Reporting Obligations.

Registerable Offenders must report to the ACT Child Sex Offender Registry Team (CSORT), in person, at Belconnen Police Station IF any of the following circumstances apply:  

  • INITIAL REPORT:  Within 7 days of being sentenced or released from custody (imprisonment) in regards to any Registrable Offence, Registerable Offenders must report in person to CSORT at Belconnen Police Station.
  • ANNUAL REPORT: A Registerable Offender must make an Annual Report in person during the anniversary of the Month in which they first became a Registerable Offender.
  • CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If a Registerable Offender changes address this must be reported in person within 7 days of that change.  If there are any children (under 18) at the new address the names and ages of the children must be reported to CSORT within 24 hours of that change occurring.  NOTE: A child is considered to be residing with a Registered Offender if they live in the same household as the Registerable Offender for at least 3 days (whether or not consecutive) in a period of 12 months. 
  • A Registerable Offender may have more than one address. An address is any place where the Registerable Offender lives for at least 7 days (whether or not consecutive) in a period of 12 months. 
  • If a Registerable Offender does not have a permanent address, they must report the name of each locality where they can generally be found on at least 7 days in a 12 month period.
  • RELEASE FROM CUSTODY: If a Registerable Offender  has been in government custody (for any reason) for 7 or more days, they must report in person to CSORT within 7 days of their release.
  • TATTOOS: If a Registerable Offender obtains, or has removed, a tattoo or a permanent distinguishing mark it must be reported to CSORT in person within 7 days of that occurring.  
  • TRAVEL FROM THE ACT: If a Registerable Offender intends to travel outside the ACT for 7 or more consecutive days, or if a Registerable Offender intends to travel outside Australia for any period, the details of that intended travel must be reported, in person least 7 days before leaving the ACT. See page 3 for further details on reporting Travel.
  • RETURNING FROM TRAVEL OR ENTERING THE ACT:  If a Registerable Offender has been outside the ACT for 7 or more consecutive days, or they have travelled outside Australia for any period, the Registerable Offender must report to CSORT in person within 7 days of entering the ACT.  Entering the ACT includes a permanent return to the ACT if the Registerable Offender has been living in another state or territory.   

To make a report in person a Registerable Offender must contact CSORT to make an appointment before attending Belconnen Police Station. This will ensure officers of CSORT, who perform duties on behalf of the Chief Police Officer, are there to receive the report. Please be aware, Registerable Offender simply attending Belconnen Police Station without making an appointment are not meeting their Reporting Obligations.

A Registerable Offender is required to present photographic identification when reporting in person to CSORT and police may take their photograph. It is an offence to not comply with a requirement to be photographed. If police are not satisfied as to a Registerable Offender’s identity their fingerprints may be taken. 

Registerable Offenders must notify CSORT within 7 days of any of the following changes in their personal details, including ending or ceasing any of the following.
These obligations may be reported by telephone on:
1800 031 722 or email:

  • REGULAR TRAVEL OUTSIDE THE ACT FOR LESS THAN 7 DAYS: If a Registerable Offender intends to travel outside the ACT, but within Australia on average at least once a month, irrespective of the length of time they will be outside the ACT, these details must be reported of the frequency and destination to CSORT.  Travel of less than 7 days in duration can be reported by telephone or email. 
  • CHANGING TRAVEL PLANS: If a Registerable Offender is outside the ACT, (but within Australia) and makes changes to their travel plans or decides to stay outside the ACT for more than 7 days, they must notify CSORT within 7 days of that decision being made. If a Registerable Offender has already reported intended travel to CSORT, but then decided not to go, the Registerable Offender must report the decision not to leave within 7 days of that decision being made.
  • NAME CHANGES: Any changes to a Registerable Offender’s name must be reported.
  • UNSUPERVISED CONTACT WITH CHILDREN: A Registerable Offender must report the names, dates of birth and ages of any children with whom they have regular unsupervised contact. This must be reported to CSORT within 24 hours of the unsupervised contact. NOTE: Regular unsupervised contact is considered to be at least 3 days (whether or not consecutive) in a period of 12 months.
  • CHILDREN WHO GENERALLY LIVE IN SAME HOUSEHOLD: Registerable Offenders must report to CSORT the names, dates of birth and ages of any children who regularly reside in the same household as the offender. This must be reported within 24 hours of the child entering the household. NOTE: Regularly reside is considered to be at least 3 days (whether or not consecutive) in a period of 12 months.
  • EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION: Registerable Offenders must report their employment details, including starting, ceasing or altering their current employment.  Employment details includes their employers name and contact number, the nature of their work, the hours worked and their normal work location.    NOTE: Employment includes unpaid, volunteer, training or education courses.
  • CLUB AFFILIATIONS: Registerable Offenders must report the details of their affiliation with any club or organisation that has child participation or membership.  This includes hobby groups, special interest groups, sporting teams or religious groups. This is not an exhaustive list, if the Registerable Offender is unsure whether their affiliation with an organisation or club is reportable, please contact CSORT.
  • PASSPORTS: Registerable Offenders must provide details of all passports they hold.
  • VEHICLES: Registerable Offenders must report the details of any vehicle they own or generally drive, including registration number, make, model, colour and modifications (including changes to previously reported vehicles). “Generally drive” means more than 7 times in period of 12 months.
  • CRIMINAL OFFENCES: Registerable Offenders must report details of any conviction for child sex related offences regardless of what jurisdiction that conviction occurred in.
  • TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATION SERVICES: Registerable Offenders must report details of any carriage service (telephone or any other form of electromagnetic communications) they regularly use. This includes any telephone number, facsimile number or any other means of electronic communication, and the provider details (Telstra, Optus etc). This includes ceasing or changing a telephone number.
  • INTERNET ACCESS: Registerable Offenders must report details of any internet connection they regularly use.  This includes the Internet Service Provider (eg. iiNet, TPG, Telstra Bigpond) and details of the type of connection (eg. ADSL, NBN, WiFi). 
  • INTERNET IDENTITIES: Registerable Offenders must report details of any user name or identity created, ceased,  changed or used by them through the internet or any other electronic communication service, including mobile phone apps, computer and tablet devices.  This includes:       
    • Internet user names. This includes, but is not limited to; social media (eg. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram), online dating sites and “apps” (eg. Tinder, RSVP) and online gaming platforms with communication capabilities (eg. PlayStation, X-Box Live);
    • Chat room user names;
    • Email addresses;
    • Instant messaging user names (eg Kik, WhatsApp)


If a Registerable Offender intends to travel within Australia or internationally, authorities in those jurisdictions will be notified of their travel details. When making a report of interstate or international travel, Registerable Offenders must provide details of the address or location in each State or Territory or foreign country where they intend to stay and the dates when they intend to be in these addresses or locations.

If a Registerable Offender intends to return to the ACT they must provide the date they intend to return. If they do not intend to return to the ACT, they must state this intention.

In the event a Registerable Offender does not understand their travel obligations contact CSORT for further advice prior to departing the ACT, or alternatively seek legal advice.

Interstate Travel

If a Registerable Offender travels to other States or Territories in Australia, they are required to make contact with the Registrar in that jurisdiction in accordance with the table below. 



Time spent in jurisdiction

Time frame to contact Registrar

Contact details

Australian Capital Territory

7 days or more

Within 14 days of arrival

1800 031 722

New South Wales

14 days or more

Within 21 days of arrival

1800 725 631

*ask for local Police Station

Northern Territory

14 days or more

Within 7 days of arrival

(08) 8922 3181


7 days or more

Within 14 days of arrival

1300 552 931

South Australia

7 days or more

Within 7 days of arrival

1800 766 255


Any Period

Within 3 days of arrival

(03) 6173 2371


14 days or more

Within 21 days of arrival

1800 235 733

Western Australia

7 days or more

Within 7 days of arrival

1800 300 400


From 13 December 2017, it is a criminal offence for an Australian citizen who is on a Child Sex Offender Register to travel or attempt to travel without the permission of a “competent authority”. In the ACT the competent authority is the Chief Police Officer. 

International Travel


Before a Registerable Offender attempts to travel internationally, they MUST make an application to CSORT and submit a Registered Offender Travel Assessment form along with supporting evidence of their intended travel plans. Please contact CSORT for an up-to-date version of this form and to obtain further details about the application process. Do not contact the Chief Police Officer directly in regards to an application; all enquiries are to be directed to CSORT. Note that this application is in addition to the usual reporting of Travel requirements.  

To avoid disappointment or financial loss, it is recommended that Registerable Offenders do not make any firm overseas travel arrangements or pay any deposits until after they have applied for overseas travel permission AND been notified of the decision of the competent authority. 

If a Registerable Offender is permitted to travel internationally, they are advised prior to travelling to make contact with the respective High Commission, Consular Office or Embassy of the countries they intend to travel to determine if they conform to their entry requirements.

It is the policy of the AFP to notify Foreign Law Enforcement Agencies of the intended travel of Australian Registered Child Sex Offenders.  More information in relation to the AFP’s policy can be found on the AFP website.

Upon return to the ACT a Registerable Offender will be required to report to CSORT within 7 days and must provide their passport and documents that verify their travel details.  For example, airline tickets and receipts that show the Registerable Offender has travelled as reported prior to departure.  





If a registerable offender does not fully understand this notice, they should seek legal advice.

It is a Registerable Offender’s responsibility to comply with their Reporting Obligations and to report all changes to their details or circumstances within the relevant time frames.

The approved ways of reporting changes in circumstances are listed below:

  • Telephone: 1800 031 722 (free call);
  • Email:;
  • Writing to: Registrar, ACT Child-Sex Offender Registry, GPO Box 401, Canberra ACT 2601; or
  • Attending in person, by appointment, to Belconnen Police Station, corner Benjamin Way and College Street, Belconnen, ACT.

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