Criminal Infringement Notices

Criminal Infingement Notice

Criminal Infringement Notices

Criminal Infringement Notices are fines that can be issued for offences that take place within the ACT or Jervis Bay Territory only, such as:

  • deface private premises - $200
  • fail to keep incident register - $220
  • fail to keep license or permit at premises - $110
  • smoke in vehicle with child - $250
  • fail to comply with requirement by police officer driver/person - $120
  • supply liquor to intoxicated person (licensee) - $1100
  • supply liquor to intoxicated person - $1100
  • permit supply liquor to intoxicated person (licensee employee) $1100
  • supply liquor to intoxicated person (permit holder employee) $1100
  • exceed occupancy loading (licensee) - $1100
  • exceed occupancy loading (permit holder) - $1100
  • deface public premises - $200
  • unauthorised entry to event venue - $150
  • unauthorised entry to event venue (playing surface) - $1500
  • possess prohibited item - $400
  • fail to permit search of personal property - $300
  • fail to permit scanning search - $300
  • fail to permit search by police officer - $300
  • failure to state name and/or address when asked - $150
  • fail to comply with direction given under S22 - $300
  • contravene direction given under S22(1)(A) - $400
  • contravene conditions of ban order - $1500
  • urinating in a public place - $200
  • interfere with seized thing - $400
  • without reasonable excuse fail to cause noise from premises to cease promptly - $200
  • supply liquor to intoxicated person (other person) - $110 
  • abuse threaten intimidate staff - $220
  • fail to leave premises when directed - $440
  • consume liquor at certain public places - $110
  • supply liquor to intoxicated person (employee) - $220
  • engage in prohibited behaviour in a protected area - $750
  • publish captured visual data of a person entering/leaving/trying to enter/leave an approved medical facility to stop or prevent a person having or providing an abortion - $1500

For information about ACT Policing's response to COVID-19 and related infringements, please visit the COVID-19 page.

Payment options


Biller code: 112987
Bpay reference: use the infringement number


Visit the Access Canberra website.

Access Canberra Service centre

For information on payment options and opening hours go to

Request more time to pay

You may apply for an extension to pay the infringement notice penalty within 28 days from the date of service of either the infringement notice or the reminder notice.

If you fail to pay the infringement notice penalty within 28 days from the date of service, a reminder notice will be served on you. An additional fee of $34.00 is charged by the ACT Government for the cost of serving the reminder notice.

Submit your extension request online.

Payment Plan

If you can’t pay your Criminal Infringement Notice straight away, you can apply to pay it in instalments. This is called an infringement management plan.

By applying for a plan,  you  choose a payment frequency and agree to follow the plan until your Criminal Infringement Notice ( including any additional Reminder Notice  fees )  is paid in full

Apply for a Payment Plan

Altering the penalty

Infringement penalties have been legislated by the ACT Government and cannot be altered or reduced.

Withdrawal of an infringement notice

If you have been served with a Criminal Infringement Notice or a Reminder Notice, you may lodge an application for withdrawal of the notice within 28 days after the date of service.

Criminal Infringement Notices cannot be withdrawn on the basis of financial hardship or compassionate grounds.

Note: if your correspondence contains certain content (see below) your application will be adjudicated as a Notice of Dispute and referred to court for adjudication.

Submit your withdrawal request online.


A waiver is designed to help those who are experiencing significant financial hardship. If a waiver is granted, you will not have to pay the infringement notice penalty.

A waiver application is assessed against set criteria, all of which must be met for the waiver to be approved you must provide evidence to support each criteria. If there is no evidence to support your grounds, the application will be refused.

Apply for a waiver.

Matter referred to court for adjudication

Applicants should be aware that following a decision in the ACT Supreme Court in 2005, if the content of the correspondence (sent to the Chief Police Officer) indicates that they:

  1. do not agree with, or object to the imposition of, the infringement notice;
  2. deny that you have committed the offence;
  3. are calling into question the evidence for issuing the infringement notice;
  4. are appealing or contesting the infringement notice;
  5. or are disputing the infringement notice,

then the matter will be referred to court for determination irrespective of the fact that the correspondence is titled "Application for Withdrawal".

If the court finds against you, you may be convicted and ordered to pay a penalty and additional court costs.

Disputing an infringement notice

If you have been served with a Criminal Infringement Notice or a Reminder Notice, you may lodge a Notice to Dispute liability within 28 days after the date of service.

Disputed infringement notices will be referred to the ACT Magistrates Court for determination.

You may also apply for an extension of time to dispute liability for the criminal offence within 28 days from the date of service on the notice or reminder.

Submit your dispute request online.


Complaints in relation to Criminal Infringement Notices may be taken by any member of the AFP. If the complaint merely disputes the facts of the Criminal Infringement Notice it is not considered as a complaint.

Complaints concerning the conduct, demeanour or behaviour of the issuing officer are directed to the Complaints Management Team.

Conciliation of the complaint is carried out separately and in isolation to any written application (submitted to the Chief Police Officer) for the withdrawal of, or the dispute of a Criminal Infringement Notice.

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