Missing persons

National Missing Persons Week

National Missing Persons Week (NMPW) is an annual week of action that takes place in Australia during the first week of August to raise awareness of the significant issues surrounding missing persons. The week is also used to profile long-term missing persons, and to educate the ACT community.

The disappearance of Tony Jones in 1982 was the catalyst for the establishment of NMPW in Australia by the Jones family. The inaugural week took place with a memorial service in Townsville in 1988, where the Mayor of Townsville planted a tree in commemoration of Mr Jones.

NMPW continues to this day and is supported throughout the missing persons, law enforcement sectors and within the broader community to bring much needed awareness and hopefully answers for those left behind.

NMPW 2024 will be held from the 28 July - 3 August.

More than 55 000 people are reported missing every year in Australia.

In the ACT, 353 people were reported missing in 2022.

Anyone can go missing, and people go missing for many reasons.

Fortunately, in the majority of cases those missing are quickly found, but this isn't always the case.

The ACT currently has 14 long term missing people, including two missing overseas. With community support, we hope to locate and reunite missing persons with their loved ones.

If you have any information on the whereabouts of any of these people, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via the Crime Stoppers website.

You can also email information to the ACT Policing Long Term Missing Persons Team at ACT-LTMP@afp.gov.au.

The National Missing Persons Coordination Centre website profiles missing person's cases provided by State and Territory police. It is the role of the police services in each State and Territory to investigate reported cases in their jurisdiction.

How to report a missing person

You do not need to wait 24 hours to report a missing person. If a person is missing and you have immediate concerns for their welfare, contact ACT Policing immediately on 131 444.

Provide police with as much detail as possible, including:

  • the day, time and location of when the person was last seen
  • description of the person's appearance when they went missing - including clothing, hair colour, height, weight
  • a recent photo of the person
  • information on what occurred prior to the person going missing
  • last known contact with the person
  • names and contacts of friends and family the missing person frequently associates with
  • any medications or medial conditions the person may have
  • places the person may visit.


The National Missing Persons Coordination Centre website provides useful information on the following:

  • Myths and Facts- A quick guide to the facts on missing persons in Australia
  • Publications- For education and support
  • Profiling- View long-term missing persons profiles and advertisements
  • National Events- Support national events and awareness campaigns
  • Support-Including support services, prevention tools and practical information such as how to manage the affairs and finances of a missing person

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