
Drivers should always be aware of pedestrians. Pedestrians can include people; walking, using wheelchairs (including registered motorised wheelchairs), on rollerblades, on skateboards, using roller skates or other wheeled recreational wheelchairs.

Pedestrians can increase their safety around roads by ensuring they are visible and using safe routes and road crossings where possible.

Share the road co-operatively

Pedestrians should:

  • cross the road at traffic lights, marked crossings or at pedestrian refuges
  • look out for and hold the hands of young children around roads and traffic
  • take extra care at night and wear bright or reflective clothing
  • never assume that a driver has seen you and will stop for you.

Drivers should:

  • take care and never assume that a pedestrian has seen you approaching
  • be prepared for pedestrians near schools, shops, car parks or where special events are occurring
  • slow down in locations where there is high pedestrian activity
  • give way to pedestrians when  turning at intersections.

Children learn about road safety by watching and copying adults. Parents and carers should always set a good example by using pedestrian crossings or traffic lights to cross the road. Visit Constable Kenny Koala’s website for tips on how to teach children to Stay OK on our roads.

For more information on pedestrian safety, visit Justice and Community Safety website.

Frequently asked questions

When I am walking across a driveway, do I have to give way to an entering car?

Vehicles must always give way to pedestrians on a footpath, and pedestrians should always make eye contact with a driver entering or leaving a driveway.

Do I have to use a designated pedestrian crossing to cross a major road?

Yes if there is one available. You must cross at a crossing if there is one within 20 metres.

If there is no crossing, take the shortest and safest route, be visible and allow plenty of time to cross. Some main roads have raised median strips to help you cross the road in two stages.

Can I cross at the traffic signals when the pedestrian signal is flashing red?

Only cross at traffic lights when the pedestrian light is green. If you are crossing and the light changes to flashing red, you must cross to the other side of the road, or nearest pedestrian refuge island as quickly as possible. 


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